Orthodontists sound alarm about disturbing new DIY trend

In early November of this year, the “Kansas City Star” aired a piece about the disturbing trend of “do-it-yourself” braces. (Copyright 2016 KCTV – Meredith Corp. All rights reserved). Please see the article below:
Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment
Why are there some children as young as seven or eight already in braces? Well, these children are in Phase I orthodontic treatment. Many young children exhibit early signs of jaw or bite problems such as excess overbite, narrow jaws and crowding. In order to modify and correct these potentially negative dental growth patterns, the […]
The Use of X-rays in Orthodontics

Exposure to x-rays has long been associated with the potential increased risk of non-cancerous tumors. A news story that was published in April of 2012 referenced this link and renewed the concern among the general population. Therefore, we feel that it’s important to review the use of x-rays for the purpose of patient care in […]
Why choose an Orthodontist instead of your Dentist to straighten your teeth?

Many people wouldn’t give it a second thought about who they should see when it comes to straightening their teeth or their child’s teeth. Why, an orthodontist of course! However, there is nothing saying that a general dentist can’t provide orthodontic treatment to his patients. In fact, a general dentist can extract wisdom teeth if […]
Got Flex? It’s Time to Brace Yourself!

If you have a child in need of braces, now might be the time to put aside a few thousand dollars into a flexible spending account. At many workplaces, it is now open enrollment period, the time of year when employees are given up to 30 days to make changes to employer-sponsored benefit plans. A […]
Risks Involved with “Do It Yourself” Teeth Straightening
[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_5c20fb6e68d7d” ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_5c20fb6e68d3c” ][st_text id_wrapper=”elm_5c20fb6e68cfa” ]As one of our orthodontic colleagues recently said, “It was bound to happen – We have become Uberized”. What he was referring to was our digital environment. “Anything and everything that can become digitized and sold directly to the consumer will happen. It’s only a matter of time”. […]
Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”
Everyone has heard the old adage “you get what you pay for”. Well when it comes to orthodontic treatment, it’s invariably true. There are two different aspects when it comes to the cost of orthodontic treatment. One is the perceived value of the overall treatment and the other is the cost competitiveness.
Just because they’re straight doesn’t mean it’s great

Why do people get braces on their teeth? It’s certainly not to make a fashion statement nor is it to intentionally inflict the discomfort that typically accompanies braces. No, it’s because they want straight teeth. But the reality is that there is more to it than that … much more.
Beware! Sports and Energy drinks can damage tooth enamel

When it comes to keeping children hydrated, especially those who play sports, there’s an enormous array of choices out there. In addition to sodas, juices and bottled waters, there is another category of beverages to choose from: sports and energy drinks.
Misconceptions about Orthodontics

While everyone understands that a dentist takes care of teeth, not everyone is aware of what an orthodontist does. This confusion sometimes leads to misunderstandings about what we at Tanner & Reichhold Orthodontics do for our patients and exactly how we can help them. Let’s take a closer look at a couple of the myths […]