Temporary Anchorage Devices

Using Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs), we can efficiently and quickly move teeth into positions that otherwise would not be possible. TADs are small, biocompatible titanium screws that are placed easily and comfortably between the roots of the teeth. Usually, only a topical anesthetic is required to ensure the patient’s comfort during placement. Since the bone in this area has no nerve endings or “feeling,” patients typically feel little to no discomfort.

When TADs are no longer required, we easily remove them using only a topical anesthetic if necessary. Patients may be required to wear TADs for a few months or throughout the entire treatment phase.

There are many advantages to utilizing TADs during orthodontic treatment. TADs:

    • are comfortable
    • reduce treatment time
    • improve esthetics
    • reduce reliance on patient cooperation
    • reduce or eliminate the need for jaw surgery
    • enable us to move and place teeth into healthy positions that otherwise would not be possible
    • close spaces caused by missing teeth