Orthodontists sound alarm about disturbing new DIY trend

In early November of this year, the “Kansas City Star” aired a piece about the disturbing trend of “do-it-yourself” braces. (Copyright 2016 KCTV – Meredith Corp. All rights reserved). Please see the article below:
Risks Involved with “Do It Yourself” Teeth Straightening
[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_5c20fb6e68d7d” ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_5c20fb6e68d3c” ][st_text id_wrapper=”elm_5c20fb6e68cfa” ]As one of our orthodontic colleagues recently said, “It was bound to happen – We have become Uberized”. What he was referring to was our digital environment. “Anything and everything that can become digitized and sold directly to the consumer will happen. It’s only a matter of time”. […]